Benefits of mapping innovation & changes

Like Step 1, Step 2 of the Urbal process helps you gather, organize and understand information about the innovation. Through Step 2, you will:

  • Gather people together in a participatory workshop to better understand the innovation.
  • Get a big picture view of what the innovation does. 
  • Assess the innovation and see if and how it creates sustainable changes.

Benefits f
or innovators include:

  • New information and insights to guide actions and decisions regarding sustainability objectives.
  • The collection feedback and new ideas to inform innovators.
  • More participative governance dynamics.
  • Increased networking within a territory.
  • Increased capacity to scale innovation up, out, and deep.
  • The creation of benchmarking and regular evaluation processes to track progress for the innovation.
  • Benefits for other innovators: to benefit from the URBAL results produced by other innovations, in a process of building communities of practice.

Benefits for innovation actors (consumers, clients, beneficiaries, providers, producers, employees etc.) include:

  • Increased awareness about innovation and sustainability.
  • Enhanced capacity building and dialogue.
  • Enhanced connections with other stakeholders and networking.

Benefits for policy-maker include: 

  • Better understanding of the innovation
  • Increased support for decision-making processes concerning 
  • Ability to promote innovations in an integrated way 
  • Increased capacity to strengthen local food policies.

Benefits for researchers include: 

  • Expanded understanding about the impact of innovation on building more sustainable food systems.
  • Deeper understanding of how sustainability dimensions are considered in the innovation, which are missing and how the overall sustainability work can be improved. 
  • Ability to prepare for a quantitative assessment.
  • Ability to build community of practices. 

Benefits for
funders include: 

  • Ability to assess projects and gather information for strategic decision making.
  • Ability to benchmark on-going or proposed projects.
  • To accompany and guide actions and decisions with regard to sustainability objectives
  • To bring feedback and new ideas to the innovators
  • To inspire more participative governance dynamics
  • To network within a territory
  • To strengthen their capacity to disseminate innovations on other scales and to act as a benchmarking and regular evaluation tool to track progress for the innovation.

To benefit from the URBAL results produced by other innovations, in a process of building communities of practice.

(consumers, clients, beneficiaries, providers, producers, employees, etc.)

  • To raise awareness about innovation and sustainability
  • To enhance connections with other stakeholders and strengthen the network.
  • To expand what is understood about the impact of innovation on building more sustainable food systems
  • To highlight which sustainability dimensions are considered, which are missing and how the overall sustainability work can be improved
  • To prepare for a quantitative assessment and to build community of practices.
  • To better understand the innovation
  • To help in the decision-making process concerning their support and to promote them in an integrated way, and in the case of food policy innovation to build capacities to strengthen local food policies.
  • To create a benchmark for on-going or proposed projects.
  • To enhance connections with other stakeholders and strengthen the network.

For innovators

  • To accompany and guide actions and decisions with regard to sustainability objectives
  • To bring feedback and new ideas to the innovators
  • To inspire more participative governance dynamics
  • To network within a territory
  • To strengthen their capacity to disseminate innovations on other scales and to act as a benchmarking and regular evaluation tool to track progress for the innovation.

For other innovators

  • To benefit from the URBAL results produced by other innovations, in a process of building communities of practice.

For the innovation actors

consumers, clients, beneficiaries, providers, producers, employees, etc.
  • To raise awareness about innovation and sustainability
  • To enhance connections with other stakeholders and strengthen the network.

For researchers

  • To expand what is understood about the impact of innovation on building more sustainable food systems
  • To highlight which sustainability dimensions are considered, which are missing and how the overall sustainability work can be improved
  • To prepare for a quantitative assessment and to build community of practices.

For policy-maker

  • To better understand the innovation
  • To help in the decision-making process concerning their support and to promote them in an integrated way, and in the case of food policy innovation to build capacities to strengthen local food policies.

For funders

  • To create a benchmark for on-going or proposed projects.
  • To enhance connections with other stakeholders and strengthen the network.


Urbal has tools to help you:

  • Understand the changes and impacts connected to an innovation.

  • Better understand the challenges and enablers of an innovation.

  • Potentially track and evaluate the impact of funded innovations.

  • Assess the potential for longer term sustainability impacts of an innovation.


Urbal has tools to help you:

  • Conduct an overview of a food system innovation and better understand how it supports community empowerment and sustainability.

  • Bring together community knowledge holders to create an inclusive and reflective evaluation.

  • Identify innovation barriers and enablers.

  • Clearly communicate the value of  your innovation to relevant audiences.

  • Develop indicators to track and evaluate your progress towards sustainability, if you choose.

Policy and decision makers,

Urbal has tools to help you:

  • Conduct structured overviews of food system innovations.

  • Understand, integrate, and promote food system innovations.
  • Gain the insights you need to strengthen sustainable food policies and overcome barriers to food system sustainability.

  • Develop and improve sustainable food system evaluations.

  • Use evidence from Urbal to develop more suitable policies and programmes.

Sustainable Food Systems actors,

Urbal has tools to help you:

  • Understand and guide your actions to meet sustainability objectives.

  • Collect the information you need to make better decisions.

  • Clearly communicate the value of  your innovation to relevant audiences and attract more funding.

  • Network with your food region.

  • Develop indicators to track and evaluate your progress towards sustainability, if you choose.


The capacity of single initiatives to contribute to the transformation of sustainable food systems is weak if they are not likely to be replicated, imitated, networked, amplified, supported and disseminated at multiple scales (scaling capacity).

It is useful to consider different ways of scale for an innovation (Riddell and Moore, 2015):

  • “Scaling out” is impacting greater numbers. Strategies may include the replication or the spreading of projects and programs geographically and/or to greater numbers, or the dissemination of principles, knowledge, experiences, with the adaptation to new territorial contexts.
  • “Scaling up” is about impacting laws and policy (in legal terms, policy governance, commodity chain structuring, etc.),
  • “Scaling deep” is impacting cultural roots. That means spreading big cultural ideas and using stories to shift norms and beliefs, or investing in transformative learning and communities of practice.
  • “Scaling here” ? 


Urbal can, through the participatory method and result sharing, accompany changes of scale by strengthening the capacity of practitioners to disseminate their innovations and contribute to the transition towards more sustainable food systems.

How? It helps stakeholders to reflect on the conditions, barriers and levers to spread their innovations to other scales.


  1. Video/pictures: scale picture (Source: Riddell and Moore, 2015, p.3) → visual
  2. Shared experiences and feedbacks from other users: n/a
  3. Urbal tools to help users : n/a
  4. In-depth insights to download: So What 14.

Social innovation

According to Bouchard, Evers & Fraisse (2015), social innovation is an “intervention initiated by social actors to respond to an aspiration, meet a need, provide a solution or take advantage of an opportunity for cultural action in order to modify social relations, transform a framework of action or propose new orientations. From this point of view […] social innovation aims to modify the institutional frameworks that shape relationships in society”.

In URBAL, we consider social innovations when found the following characteristics:

  • They want change, responding to a social or societal need or seizing an opportunity for activating minor or major changes in society (Chiffoleau 2016).

  • They Are inclusive, seeking to benefit the whole society by the sharing of the value produced (economic, social, environmental,…)

  • They include collaborative or participatory activities.

    • There is therefore an intentionality to change the situation in relation to the previous situation, to improve one or more aspects of the life of individuals.

    • Social innovations are embedded in a value system, they are not intrinsically good and what is undesirable (problems) and desirable (solutions) can change over time.


  1. Video/pictures: rechercher l’interview de Veronica sur la définition d’innovation sociale (?) (Elodie ?)
  2. Shared experiences and feedbacks from other users:
  3. Urbal tools to help users :
  4. In-depth insights to download: Master thesis Veronica : BONOMELLI V. Building a participative tool to map the impact pathway of urban driven innovations on food systems sustainability: how to consider specific features of social innovation? : Master thesis. Montpellier Supagro, 2018, 50p, So What 14.

Urbal participatory tools

Participatory engagement is at the heart of the Urbal methodology.

  • This approach relies on experts (not necessarily scientists but people with long experience and/or professional knowledge) and practitioners to be successful and provide useful insights. This means that all knowledge and experiences are equally valuable and valid.

  • A participatory process helps people to engage with others and reinforces stakeholders’ understandings and relationships.
  • A participatory process requires skills and tools supported by Urbal.


Shared experiences and feedbacks from other users:

How to map change?

To enter the logic of the URBAL method at this point you can ask what has changed since the implementation of the innovative activity, namely the path of change that was triggered by the activity.
In order to answer this question, you use an Urbal’s representation of an impact pathway.
Impact pathway: a graphical chart that maps how an activity can generate short-term and medium-term changes to achieve long-term changes also called impacts.
Changes : transformations/consequences induced by an innovative activity
Impact: long-term changes linked to sustainability, caused by short and medium changes.



  1. Video/pictures: Pictures of the explanation of what an impact pathway is (see above) Ask Està to make it clean → Visual

  2. Shared experiences and feedback from other users: example of an impact pathway completed by the participants (MIRI) – PDF files :

  3. Urbal tools to help users : example of impact pathway map to be completed (Example of Milano Ristorazione → tool to ask Està to do in English . The columns include: innovative practice, activities, short-term changes, medium term and long term changes/impacts, sustainable dimension, factors (with drivers and barriers).

    → Miniature

  4. In-depth insights to download:

    Master Thesis – Impact pathway methodology literature review

What are sustainable food systems?

A sustainable food system “provides healthy food to meet current food needs while maintaining healthy ecosystems that can also provide food for generations to come, with minimal negative impact to the environment; encourages local production and distribution infrastructures; makes nutritious food available, accessible, and affordable to all; is humane and just, protecting farmers and other workers, consumers, and communities.

(Story et al. 2009).
(Ref: Story M, Hamm MW, Wallinga D (2009) Food systems and public health: linkages to achieve healthier diets and healthier communities. J Hunger Environ Nutr 4:219–224).

There are many different opportunities to make the world we live in more sustainable through food systems. The key Urbal dimensions of sustainability are:

  • Health : food security (access, quality, regularity…), nutrition, well-being, physical activity…
  • Governance : transparency, power dynamics, people’s participation, accountability…
  • Environment : protection of biodiversity, renewable resources, energy efficiency, climate resilience…
  • Social-cultural : equity, community building, confidence in the system, positive expression of social and cultural identity and culture…
  • Economic : equity, resilience, fair work and remuneration, local economies…
5 green circles form a pentagon to illustrate the 5 dimensions of sustainability. The Economic symbol is a shopping cart and a euro, the symbol for Health is a bowl with vegetables, the symbol for Governance is a government building, the symbol for Social-Cultural is traditional Japanese architecture, and the symbol for Environment is a hand holding a seedling.


  1. Video/pictures: diagram of the dimensions of sustainability à voir avec Està → visual
    to research external brief explanatory pedagogical videos (Ophelie looks in the resources of the Unesco Chair and in the URBAL video) → visual
  2. Shared experiences and feedbacks from other users: n/a
  3. Urbal tools to help users : In-depth insights to download: IPES FOOD : FROM UNIFORMITY TO DIVERSITY – PDF file – A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversifed agroecological systems