The last part of the workshop is usually a plenary session that includes all of the participants.
By this point in the workshop, people will have likely contributed a lot and you might want to give the facilitators an opportunity to quickly present the results of their breakout group. These final presentations typically generate a lot of enthusiasm from participants, and reinforce the feeling that good work was accomplished together.
You can summarize what was accomplished and share the impact pathway maps. You should also provide a way for participants to contact you with additional insights (for example, the email address for the organizer). And, as the organizers, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the results in detail when conducting the analysis and consolidation of the results (Step 3).
If possible, concluding with a networking opportunity is an excellent way for people to reinforce connections made through the Urbal process.
Ma Cantine Autrement, Montpellier.
SPG, Rabat.