In Step 1 you collected critical information about the innovation through a literature review and interviews. You then used these to created innovation timelines, actor maps and a draft innovation pathway map.In Step 2, you will use this information to plan and run a participatory gathering. The preferred format for this meeting is a participatory workshop, but you can adapt the process to your needs and constraints.
Objectives of Step 2:
- Use collective intelligence in a workshop about the innovation processes and pathways that lead to changes. Remember, the goal is to document, not to measure.
- Map the short (changes), medium (outcomes) and long term changes (impacts) produced by the activities carried-out by the innovation.
- Build innovation impact pathway maps or discuss and validate the impact pathway maps that have been drafted during Step 1, if applicable.
When mapping the innovation changes using Urbal, it is important to keep the dimensions of sustainability in mind. It is also important to remember that the Urbal sustainability dimension diagram is neither fixed nor prescriptive and can be adapted, refined, or edited according to the innovation context and how the impact mapping process unfolds.